If you follow local news in our area, you may have read about two police officers accused of a late-night assault in Altoona. Firm attorney Roger Laguna represents one of the police officers in what promises to be a difficult case.
The facts of the case have been presented in the media as follows. A year and a half ago, a bar patron allegedly sexually assaulted a woman in an Altoona bar. The alleged victim is married to a police officer, who was in the bar at the time with a colleague. Following the alleged sexual assault, the two police officers are alleged to have responded by assaulting the offender in the bar’s bathroom. Another patron allegedly intervened and was also allegedly assaulted by the police officer in the altercation. For more information, read extensive coverage as reported in the Altoona Mirror.
The case is riddled with complications and questions. For instance, basic facts of the case are disputed, including:
- Did one or both police officers participate in the alleged assault?
- Did the first alleged victim encounter the allegedly assaulted woman at all prior to the alleged assault in the bathroom?
- Did the police officers involved try to cover up the alleged incident as prosecutors claim?
- Did the first male alleged assault victim lie to a grand jury about the alleged sexual assault?
Lawyer Roger Laguna of Laguna Krevsky Rosen, PLLC, has waded into a very complicated case and is casting serious doubt on the allegations. For instance, he pointed out that neither of the prosecution’s key witnesses claims to have observed his client strike either alleged assault victim.
Mr. Laguna is a former police officer well equipped to handle this complex case and others. If you have been charged with a crime in Harrisburg or anywhere in central Pennsylvania, contact Laguna Krevsky Rosen, PLLC, for experienced legal assistance. Call 717-233-5292.