Is There Any Way to Get Off the Registered Sex Offender List?

Conviction of a sex offense can land your name on the sex offender registry under Megan’s Law. In some cases, there are ways to avoid this situation. With an experienced attorney on your side, you may be able to have your charges reduced or resolve your case without you having to register. It may even be possible to get your name taken off the registry, though that is extremely rare and not easily accomplished.

There are several reasons why a sexual offender or a Sexually Violent Predator/Sexual Violent Delinquent Child no longer appears on this sex offender registry. They are as follows:

  1. The sexual offender or Sexually Violent Predator/Sexual Violent Delinquent Child is now deceased.
  2. The sexual offender or Sexually Violent Predator/Sexual Violent Delinquent Child no longer resides, works, or attends school in Pennsylvania.
  3. The sexual offender completed his required period of registration and is no longer required to register.
  4. Juvenile offenders do not appear on the public website by law.

Please contact the Harrisburg, PA, law firm of Laguna Krevsky Rosen, PLLC to schedule a free case evaluation with Roger Laguna, Sanford Krevsky, or Lawrence Rosen: 717-233-5292. You may also contact us online.

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